Pet FBI Report for a Lost Dog
The status of this report is Open
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Lost Dog Report Summary
Report and Contact Info
Lost Dog: Sophie
Date Lost: 2022-02-21
Description: An elderly, thin medium/large dog. She has one brown eye and one blue eye and a white patch on her chest. She looks malnourished even though she isn't. She can appear to look like a deer in the woods. She has severe arthritis and some dementia. She needs her medication.
Contact: Lindy Dean
Primary (visible): 205-532-1852
Secondary (visible): 205-533-2223
Report Entered @ Pet FBI
Pet FBI Report ID: 430717
Pet Photo

Pet Details
Breed: Belgian Shepherd Malinois
Color(s): Brown, Tan or Cream
Gender: Female
Height: Large: Over 2'
Weight: Over 50 lbs
Hair Length: Medium
Coat Type: Not Applicable
Age: 13
Collar: None
Location: Hwy 231 Shelby County
State: ALZip Code: 35178
Comments: She got spooked by lightning when she was outside for a potty break and bolted. She's never done this before. I'm worried that with her elderly state & dementia she is lost or injured and scared. She is a very sweet and social dog!!