Pet FBI Report for a Lost Dog in TN, 37209

Report and Contact Info

Lost Dog: Sissy
Date Lost: 2024-07-11
Description: Has a black spot on her side

Contact: Tiffany
Primary (visible): (615) 992-5453

Report Entered @ Pet FBI
Pet FBI Report ID: 655327
Breed: Shih Tzu
Color(s): Black, Brown, White
Gender: Female
Height: Short: Under 1'
Weight: 10-20 lbs
Hair Length: Short
Coat Type: Wavy
Age: 18
Collar: Pink

Location: Upton Ln, Beacon Square, Nashville, Davidson County, TN, US, 37209.

State: TNZip Code: 37209

Comments: She's very old and going blind and deaf. She may be skiddish

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