Pet FBI Report for a Lost Small Mammal in MA, 01104

Report and Contact Info

Lost Small Mammal: Cirino
Date Lost: 2024-08-23
Description: Sable ferret.

Contact: Patrick
Primary (visible): (413) 777-1400

Report Entered @ Pet FBI
Pet FBI Report ID: 664994
Breed: Ferret
Color(s): Black, Brown
Gender: Male
Height: Large: Over 2'
Weight: Under 5 lbs
Hair Length: Medium
Coat Type: Smooth
Age: 3
Collar: No collar. She ferret

Location: Hastings St, Liberty Heights, Springfield, MA.

State: MAZip Code: 01104

Comments: His name is Cirino. Very lovable and playful. Needs a surgery soon to replace his implant.

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