Pet FBI Report for a Found Dog in NY, 11776

Report and Contact Info

Found Dog: Unknown
Date Found: 2025-02-03
Description: She is a white dog with large black spots, and some dappled grey on her sides and back. Her front ankles were reddish, not in color but it looked like an allergy or minor irritation like chewing. Her eyes ere dark brown. She had a big black spot on her left side (our right, if you were facing her) that kind of looks like the shape of Australia. She has a black nose, a black pattern covering her eyes and ears with a thin stripe of white going up from her nose to her forehead. Not too sure on the breed, the closest I could guess would be a Jack Russel mix. Not too sure on small-medium dog health, but in my honest opinion she looked a little chunky. Shedding a LOT.

Contact: Joseph B.
Primary (visible): (631) 790-0151

Report Entered @ Pet FBI
Pet FBI Report ID: 698920
Breed: Mix
Color(s): Black, White, Silver or Gray
Gender: Female
Height: Medium: 1-2'
Weight: 20-30 lbs
Hair Length: Medium
Coat Type: Smooth
Age: 3
Collar: None

Location: Jayne Blvd, Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, NY, US, 11776. Closest to the intersection of Jayne and Old Town Road. POLICE OFFICER TOOK THE DOG TO SAVE-A-PET ON RT 112 TO FIND A CHIP. If it was chipped, the dog is likely with it's owners already. If it was not chipped, Save-a-pet does not take in lost pets. They were likely pointed to an SPCA shelter in Suffolk County.

State: NYZip Code: 11776

Comments: Walks with a purpose, most comfortable hiding in people's backyards. VERY cautious, barked when she saw me blocking her from going in the street. Gave the cop and I the run-around. Was a little nippy when we got close, but LOVES cheese. Was willing to get pet once for some cheese. When we finally grabbed her, she tried to bite, but immediately realized she was going to get picked up and held- didn't struggle at all. Almost looked like she was born to be held like a large ham, under the arm. Otherwise, quiet. not much panting, if at all. She was walking fine, wouldn't run but you know how dogs are- they can run just fast enough that they're out of reach. Went in the cop's car like no problem, probably very well loved. Tail wagged once of twice when I called her a "little lady" in the high pitched Get-The-Dog's-Attention voice. No visible special needs or disability, no injury besides some irritation on front ankles. Cutie patootie, if not stubborn.

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