Pet FBI Report for a Lost Cat in TX, 77074
Report and Contact Info
Lost Cat: Keelie
Date Lost: 2025-01-26
Description: Keelie is a brown and black short hair tabby. She weights about 8 lbs has a couple of black markings
Like moles,under each one of the paws.on right front paw, one black spot on her hind leg by the heel. one on the R- paw and one behind the right leg by the ankle area. All paws are white but the front paws the white goes up to cover only the finger/toes. On her left hind legs the white goes up to different lengths up to the knee on her left leg and up to about the ankle area on the right back leg.
Contact: Lucy
Primary (visible): (713) 878-3575
Report Entered @ Pet FBI
Pet FBI Report ID: 701266
Breed: American Shorthair
Color(s): Tan or Cream, Black
Gender: Female
Height: Short: Under 1'
Weight: 5-10 lbs
Hair Length: Short
Coat Type: Smooth
Age: 2
Collar: Light brown leather
Location: Braes River Dr & Jackwood St, Sharpstown, Houston, Harris County, TX, US, 77074.
State: TXZip Code: 77074
Comments: She has at least one mole like markings under her paws.