Pet FBI Report for a Lost Cat in TX, 78418

Report and Contact Info

Lost Cat: Reagan
Date Lost: 2025-02-15
Description: half of her nose and lip (left side) is white.

Contact: Kelly Mitchell

Report Entered @ Pet FBI
Pet FBI Report ID: 702265
Breed: Tortoiseshell
Color(s): Brindle, Orange, Black
Gender: Female
Height: Large: Over 2'
Weight: 5-10 lbs
Hair Length: Medium
Coat Type: Smooth
Age: 10
Collar: She spent most of her time outside and had lost several collars. We decided not to put anymore collars on her.

Location: Yorktown Blvd & Lynda Lee Dr, Flour Bluff, Corpus Christi, Nueces County, TX, US, 78418.

State: TXZip Code: 78418

Comments: She has light green eyes and can?t meow. When she tries there is very little sound that comes out. It?s like a whisper.

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