Miracle Reunion!

Author:Pet FBI
Author's Website:https://petfbi.org
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
Last Updated: Fri Dec 13 2024

Lucky Miss Kitty

Dumped, Rescued, and Traced Back to First Mom

Our dynamite Facebook Admin, Char, posted the following:

Friends this is one of the most amazing conclusions our page has ever experienced.

Our Facebook friend Cat (yes, that's her name) has utilized Pet FBI Ohio a few times over the years when she has lost or found a pet.

She posted the plight of her cat Miss Kitty mentioning she knew it was a long shot, but she had to give it a try. Miss Kitty had been missing since September 2015.

Miss Kitty was being fostered by a 'friend' during Cat's move and while she transitioned into her new place. The two women had a falling out and the awful 'friend' took it out on Miss Kitty by not only dumping her out to fend for herself, but also tossing her from a moving car! Hopefully karma will work its magic on this vile woman the rest of her life.

Once I posted Miss Kitty's plight I gasped in amazement 8 hours later. Stephanie commented that she was pretty certain she had adopted Miss Kitty from Friends for Life rescue group at a Petsmart - about 60 miles from where Miss Kitty was last seen - in October 2015.

Her new Mom was so gracious and she invited Cat to visit to determine if her new cat was indeed Miss Kitty.

IT WAS! Can you believe that?! I still can't. It's just mind blowing. Thank goodness for our pal Randi for being such a good friend of our page. New Mom Stephanie saw our post thanks to Randi's share.

Miss Kitty's new name is "Cinder" and Cat is so relieved knowing she is safe and very much adored and loved. Cinder's new Mom has extended the invitation for Cat to visit anytime.

Anyone else have a tear in their eye?"


  1. Never give up! It's never too late to post
  2. Do not underestimate the power of Facebook! Our Pet FBI Ohio Facebook page has 30,000 likes and a reach of 300,000

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