Miracle Reunion For Lost Ferret

Author:Pet FBI
Author's Website:https://petfbi.org
Published: Sat May 21 2016
Last Updated: Fri Dec 13 2024

Stella the Ferret Reunited

As reported by our Pet FBI Ohio Facebook admin, Char:

"HOORAY for Stella from the Columbus area!!

Please file this under MIRACLE along with the importance of posting your lost or found pet on our page yourself.

Stella's Mom posted her lost ferret on the side of our page yesterday. Good Sam Kathleen posted this morning that she spotted a ferret in her yard and was wondering if anyone was missing it.

A magical reunion eventually transpired thanks to both the pet finder and the pet owner posting on the Visitor Posts area of our page!

Good Sam's family and Stella's Mom searched 3 acres of wooded area for 2 hours. Everyone searching was astonished to receive word from a kiddo indoors that Stella showed up on the deck and he snagged her. Yay Kiddo!"

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