Oliver Recovered After More than a Month, Eight Miles From Home Thanks to Pet FBI Automatic Alerts and Persistent Mom!

Author:Pet FBI
Author's Website:https://petfbi.org
Published: Fri Oct 16 2015
Last Updated: Fri Dec 13 2024

Oliver Recovered

Here is Oliver's story as related by his Mom:

He is (was) an indoor/outdoor cat. (Yes, I know, I'm a bad cat mom...)

He didn't come home as he normally did. I put flyers up all over the neighborhood and all the local vets and shelters. I had multiple neighbors call me with tips about any unidentified cats they had seen. There are foxes in the neighborhood and popular opinion was that a fox had gotten him. Though Oliver is young and strong and certainly wouldn't have gone without a fight. And I thought him too smart to be surprised.

My local shelter, Citizens for Humane Action, told me about Pet FBI. I'd never heard about it but immediately put Oliver's picture on it.

I walked the neighborhood constantly calling him and did all the things recommended. Leaving food, familiar scents out....

No sign of him.

I got the daily updates from PetFBI and after a month had given up hope.

Then one morning I see a pic that MIGHT be him, but it wasn't a good enough pic to be sure. I called the guy listed and we talked a bit back and forth as he was not in town. He gave me his address, I drove right over, I opened the car door and called Ollie's name one time and he trotted right over to me!!! I was in shock!

Oliver is back home. Now an inside cat and not happy about that one bit....

And the other side of it is that Oliver not only ended up being found about 8 miles (!) away- across a 2 lane bridge- over a big lake.... but the home that he had been hanging out at was a lovely waterfront home with a pool and the guy that found him said Oliver normally was seen just hanging around the pool......

I'd rather not think he found a home better than where he was raised....

I have no idea how he ended up where he did. Maybe jumped in the back of somebody's pickup??

...and I did end up getting a kitten after he was gone a couple weeks as my beagle was too depressed without a cat...

So now Oliver is unhappily housebound with a young harrassing kitten to deal with.

I hope it ends up being a happy ending....


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