Phil reunited thanks to database!

Author:Pet FBI
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Published: Thu Jun 12 2014
Last Updated: Fri Dec 13 2024


Phil the cockatiel from Upper Arlington reunited thanks to the Pet FBI database!

Phil had been in the backyard of our Pet FBI Ohio friend Carisa when he decidedto land on her arm to really get her attention. Carisa checked the database in theLost Bird category and there was Phil's report that his Mom had filed for him!

After Phil was reunited with his family, he sent us a message via our Pet FBI OhioFacebook page. Please see below:

Hi! My name is Phil. Thanks to a wonderful person who saw me missing on Pet FBI, I have been found and returned to my owner!! I was gone for 4 days in Upper Arlington, but I landed on a nice person who checked Pet FBI and found and returned me to my owner! I was about 3 miles from home. I am so glad to be back home.



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