Boggie Found ..."After 2 1/2 Very Long Freezing Cold Days"!

Author:Pet FBI
Author's Website:
Published: Sun Jan 03 2016
Last Updated: Thu Dec 12 2024
Boggie and Mom, Right After His Recovery
Boggie's family turned to Pet FBI when he went missing on a visit away from home. Here is his happy Mom's account:

"I lost hope but your blog made me feel better. Especially about dogs surviving in the cold. We were in Cincinnati visiting my family for Christmas from Charlotte NC and the night before we were planning to leave, Boggie ran out of the yard to chase some deer around 10 pm. He was gone in minutes. We searched until 1:30 am and started again at 5:30 am. He has never done that before and really never leaves the yard. He is a lab/boxer mix and such a big baby. He sleeps on our laps and is afraid of his own shadow so the thought of him alone at night in the cold was frightening.

Your site suggested that we post signs and Facebook messages, as well as visit all of the shelters and post on their sites. We contacted the police dept and handed out flyers to postal workers in the area. Boggie was spotted 3 miles away. We continued to search for another night and day (2 1/2 days total) until someone spotted him again being walked by someone in the area. We went door to door and found him!!! We cannot thank you enough for your website and blog"


  1. Dogs can travel far and fast. Do not limit your search to the immediate neighborhood

  2. People who lose a pet are in panic mode and not sure what to do. Follow the step-by-step action plan at

  3. For special situations like dogs lost way from home, consult our special advice page

  4. For hope and inspiration, read Pet FBI's other blog posts about "Happy Tails" or successful recoveries, often against all odds.

  5. Please do report "sightings" of free-roaming strays or dogs reported as lost. They help a lot.

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